
I have Crohn’s

My boss told me today to use another bathroom because people complain about “the smell”. No one has ever came up to me and said, “You stink.” I clean the bathrooms at my job as I figure I should, I figure I commit the most atrocities in there, but my cave is a lot less stained than everyone else's. I usually spend about 3 minutes going poo, much less than my coworkers and maybe that's just because it's usually a liquid that explodes from me. Anyways, am I justified in being mad at my boss? Should I just feel like a disease-ridden pig?

My boss told me today to use another bathroom because people complain about “the smell”. No one has ever came up to me and said, “You stink.” I clean the bathrooms at my job as I figure I should, I figure I commit the most atrocities in there, but my cave is a lot less stained than everyone else's. I usually spend about 3 minutes going poo, much less than my coworkers and maybe that's just because it's usually a liquid that explodes from me. Anyways, am I justified in being mad at my boss? Should I just feel like a disease-ridden pig?

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