
Leaving my job

After almost six years in an engineering office I'm leaving, I've had so many recruiters suggesting positions for me this year, one finally gave me an offer $5 more than I currently make. I took this to my bosses as I felt I had a good working relationship and do enjoy what we do, but pretty much got talked down to the entire time and told that they 'feel the current markets overinflated wages are unsustainable'. Also they threw out the fact that they did education reimbursement, which is a fairly common benefit with a lot of firms that I have seen locally, but I figured it up to be worth $1.70 an hour over the course of the year. They also cover all healthcare costs unless you have dependents, which is nice but not the end of the world They then said they'd have to consider some things and…

After almost six years in an engineering office I'm leaving, I've had so many recruiters suggesting positions for me this year, one finally gave me an offer $5 more than I currently make.
I took this to my bosses as I felt I had a good working relationship and do enjoy what we do, but pretty much got talked down to the entire time and told that they 'feel the current markets overinflated wages are unsustainable'. Also they threw out the fact that they did education reimbursement, which is a fairly common benefit with a lot of firms that I have seen locally, but I figured it up to be worth $1.70 an hour over the course of the year. They also cover all healthcare costs unless you have dependents, which is nice but not the end of the world
They then said they'd have to consider some things and get back to me.

Fast forward a few hours they come back with offers of either a 6% raise and getting to keep the tuition reimbursement OR a 10% raise and no tuition aid.

And the catch!

These choices barely cover what our standard January pay raises, and they said if I took either option it would take the place of the January raise which is frankly a slap in the face.

So now I'm going to take the 10% work out the last 3 weeks and take as much with me as I can and not look back.

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