
“All supervisors are scheduled 6 days the week of Black Friday”

Just found out yesterday that my schedule has me working 7 days in a row (tomorrow 11/17 through Wednesday 11/23). I usually have two days off, split in the middle. So, 2 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, 1 day off. I would like 2 in a row sometimes, but the split keeps me sane. Anyway, I went to discuss changing my hours to an earlier time with upper management, and while they were adjusting those, I noticed that I was scheduled every single day after today until Thanksgiving (we get Thanksgiving off in return… thanks). So I asked why I was scheduled 7 days in a row, my store manager told me that all supervisors are scheduled every day excluding Thursday this week, and that it's been posted in the schedule for a couple weeks. Thing is… having worked the exact same hours for the last year,…

Just found out yesterday that my schedule has me working 7 days in a row (tomorrow 11/17 through Wednesday 11/23). I usually have two days off, split in the middle. So, 2 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, 1 day off. I would like 2 in a row sometimes, but the split keeps me sane.

Anyway, I went to discuss changing my hours to an earlier time with upper management, and while they were adjusting those, I noticed that I was scheduled every single day after today until Thanksgiving (we get Thanksgiving off in return… thanks). So I asked why I was scheduled 7 days in a row, my store manager told me that all supervisors are scheduled every day excluding Thursday this week, and that it's been posted in the schedule for a couple weeks.

Thing is… having worked the exact same hours for the last year, I have maybe checked my schedule FIVE times. Last year around this time I wasn't scheduled 6 days, either, which was confirmed by the store manager.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we get Thanksgiving off. I want to spend time with my extended family (and eat food, let's be real). I just didn't appreciate the way he said it to me, like I shouldn't have been surprised despite my schedule having been the same week after week for a full year.

I'm not even 100% mad at the fact that I'll be working 7 days in a row at a job I hate, that will likely stress me out, that I can't even decompress from fully without a day off. It's the fact that I didn't get a heads up in the form of a face-to-face conversation, or even an email. It takes like 5 minutes to CC every supervisor in the store to let them know this. I felt blindsided, and I almost wanted to cry. I had just gotten away from my work area after 7 hours without a lunch break because it was just that busy, with customers yelling at me left and right about shit that, try as I did, I just couldn't control.

Sorry about the long-ish post. I don't really have anyone to fully vent to.

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