
Just walked out on my shift for the first time ever

Live mas my ass. This location is absolutely horrid. I got into my cashiering position literally off the recommendation of a family member since moving to a new city and I thought it was a blessing since I really didn't have a job lined up upon moving here. Turns out, this fast food location in specific is absolute dog. They started doing the IN-N-OUT bullshit where you stand outside and take orders, but literally where they have you stand in the drive thru is behind a fucking dumpster in ghetto ass Southern California. I was told to go do the dumpster duty by my manager and I said “after I get my lunch” because I was called in early at 9am today when I was supposed to work 2pm and I didn't get to eat breakfast. Anyway, my manger did not like that and said I couldn't and that I…

Live mas my ass. This location is absolutely horrid. I got into my cashiering position literally off the recommendation of a family member since moving to a new city and I thought it was a blessing since I really didn't have a job lined up upon moving here. Turns out, this fast food location in specific is absolute dog.

They started doing the IN-N-OUT bullshit where you stand outside and take orders, but literally where they have you stand in the drive thru is behind a fucking dumpster in ghetto ass Southern California. I was told to go do the dumpster duty by my manager and I said “after I get my lunch” because I was called in early at 9am today when I was supposed to work 2pm and I didn't get to eat breakfast. Anyway, my manger did not like that and said I couldn't and that I would have to talk to the boss (manager's boss) if I wanted food. So I did, I called her and asked if I could get a lunch before going on the dumpster shift, she said no <3 and questioned me like "who do you think you are talking to??" because I guess it's rude to ask your boss for a lunch.

To be honest, I could've been more cordial with my manager because she was just following orders from the big boss, but this manager is not particularly kind and has yelled/talked down to many employees. Anyway, during the call with my boss I asked multiples if I could please get some food before doing the dumpster duty (often times they just leave you out there for multiple hours because no one volunteers to cover that shit) and was denied multiple times. At that point I had enough, I said “okay, you can get someone else to cover me then” and walked out the fucking store. I got in my car pulled out the parking lot and fucked off to my apartment to eat.

2 minutes into my drive home I get a call from my boss. Declined. I get out my car (my apartment is pretty close to my fast food location) and immediately text her, this is the conversation:

ME: “Hello, you can find a different cashier to do bellhop today. I was hungry and all I wanted was some food before I went outside because when I do bellhop I get left out there for hours before anyone comes to cover me. Thank you”

Her: *calls again*

Me: *declines*

Her: “We'll talk about it in person”

Me: “No, I am not there anymore, see you Friday”

Her: “So you walked out on your job?”

Me: “I am getting food because I am hungry, not too sure if I should go back considering this scenario”

Her: “No sweetie you don't have to come back today enjoy your day off”

Me: *Thumbs Up Emoji*

Her: “I will be there Friday to talk to you in person because this kind of behavior is a”

Pretty sure that last part was a typo for “Unacceptable” but you get the idea. Some bullshit, I will probably leave within the month and not give two shits because this is a minimum wage job by the way. Moving up is not worth it either, our poor managers literally get paid A SINGLE DOLLAR more than the cashiers and line cooks. We had 2 of them walk out on us this past week sooo. Yeah. Fuck Taco Bell. Shoutout to the UC strikers too! My TAs defo inspired me to make this power play because our store is so shit, it bleeds staff and no one works because they want to, they bounce as soon as they realize shits ass.

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