
Passive-Aggressive Manager hid the office chair

Tldr at bottom. This was a few years ago, but I used to work 3rd shift at a gas station and was the only one on shift from 10pm to 5am when the manager came in and I clocked out at 6am. So my duties were register and cleaning. I cleared the days old food, emptied drinks like coffee and lemonade and cleaned the floors, counters and displays. From 10 to about 1-2 I was kept busy by cleaning and customers. Once done cleaning and it was slow between customers, I found little things to do but otherwise I preferred to sit. Cause why tf should I have to stand when there is nothing to do for 3 hours. I was detailed and through on cleaning so unless something happened I had nothing to do outside make fresh coffee before the 3am truckers came through. I could see the counters…

Tldr at bottom. This was a few years ago, but I used to work 3rd shift at a gas station and was the only one on shift from 10pm to 5am when the manager came in and I clocked out at 6am.

So my duties were register and cleaning. I cleared the days old food, emptied drinks like coffee and lemonade and cleaned the floors, counters and displays.

From 10 to about 1-2 I was kept busy by cleaning and customers. Once done cleaning and it was slow between customers, I found little things to do but otherwise I preferred to sit.

Cause why tf should I have to stand when there is nothing to do for 3 hours. I was detailed and through on cleaning so unless something happened I had nothing to do outside make fresh coffee before the 3am truckers came through.

I could see the counters from the shared office space, sat in the desk chair to the office computer for clock ins and other store focused programs. Even had a bell at the counter for if I was cleaning out coffee pots in the sink in the office so if I didn't see I knew they were at the counter.

No complaints from customers or anything. I was active at all times when I needed to be and relaxed when I wanted off my feet.

Randomly, one day I go to clock in and take over from 2nd shift and the desk chair is just missing.

I find it weird but figure something must have happened to it during day shift. I get a folding chair from the back and use that.

Next day, folding chair is missing. Weird.

Next day one of the day shifters found the desk chair and put it back, think nothing of it. Figure they left it somewhere else by mistake.

Finally, manager comes to me and tells me I can't sit during shift anymore. I just nod and go okay w.e. do it anyway.

That's when I realized that instead of talking to me about sitting when I have no work -which is dumb- the man hid all available chairs instead to make me not sit.

I wasn't even surprised since this manager was the quietest and least talkive person I've ever met. He did his work and didn't try to communicate with the employees. Which I liked but it led to some annoying moments like this one or him scheduling me with no notice on my day off (this moment led to me finding work else where)

But yeah, always makes me laugh to remember, this 6'3 skinny guy didn't want to tell a a 5'9 female not to sit and hid all the chairs instead.

Tldr; manager hid store chairs so I couldn't sit on my solo shift when there was nothing to do instead of talking to me directly about it.

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