
Well, kids, I lived the dream…until today

Here’s the deal. I took the current job I’m at earlier this year because it paid more than I was making at my prior job and I was in no place to deny any opportunities. It has been a glorious 9 months of dickin around on company time with zero responsibility. Today I had an interview with another company and at the end of the interview, they offered me another position . A position above the one I wanted, which should put me around 6 figures. Needless to say, I’m taking it and now I’m about to be sucked into full fledged middle management. I’m selling my soul to the devil. BUT this got me thinking that I see a lot of posts about people sticking around at places that suck the life out of them and I see posts about making the “right” career moves…the “right” moves are the…

Here’s the deal. I took the current job I’m at earlier this year because it paid more than I was making at my prior job and I was in no place to deny any opportunities. It has been a glorious 9 months of dickin around on company time with zero responsibility. Today I had an interview with another company and at the end of the interview, they offered me another position . A position above the one I wanted, which should put me around 6 figures. Needless to say, I’m taking it and now I’m about to be sucked into full fledged middle management. I’m selling my soul to the devil. BUT this got me thinking that I see a lot of posts about people sticking around at places that suck the life out of them and I see posts about making the “right” career moves…the “right” moves are the ones that make you happy. Fuck their timelines, fuck what people think about your career moves. You don’t owe anyone any answers for why you’re moving on or why you want out. That’s why I’m going to waste a couple more hours on the company dime and submit my two sentence resignation. See below.

To Bossman,

I’m writing to inform you that my last day of employment will be Friday, December 9, 2022. Thank you for this opportunity.



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