
Manager believes I should come into work after school shooting because I’m not dead, and I want him fired

This is about my manager at a fast food restaurant (we will use the name Joe for easy reading purposes). There was a shooting near me recently, and Joe made insensitive comments in our work chat. He was trying to force people to come to work (fast food) during an active shooting lockdown. I came into work (as directed once the lockdown was lifted and shooter arrested). I then told Joe (very kindly) that his message was insensitive and he should’ve said it differently. He proceeded to tell me that unless you were dead, you could come to work. This turned into a fight, eventually to where Joe was screaming and cursing at me. Luckily, during the fight Joe’s BOSS comes into work. So now the regional manager (my boss’s boss, pseudo named Ben) is here. Joe proceeds to curse me out and yells at me for questioning his authority.…

This is about my manager at a fast food restaurant (we will use the name Joe for easy reading purposes). There was a shooting near me recently, and Joe made insensitive comments in our work chat. He was trying to force people to come to work (fast food) during an active shooting lockdown. I came into work (as directed once the lockdown was lifted and shooter arrested). I then told Joe (very kindly) that his message was insensitive and he should’ve said it differently. He proceeded to tell me that unless you were dead, you could come to work. This turned into a fight, eventually to where Joe was screaming and cursing at me. Luckily, during the fight Joe’s BOSS comes into work. So now the regional manager (my boss’s boss, pseudo named Ben) is here. Joe proceeds to curse me out and yells at me for questioning his authority. I tell Joe that I don’t feel comfortable being at work and proceed to leave. He tells me (screaming) “if you leave you’re fucking fired” so I walk out. Ben calls me later and tells me how sorry he is and how Joe doesn’t have the authority to fire me. I meet with Ben and demand Joe be fired for his behavior and indecency. I then meet with HR and say the same. Also, some background; Joe is a HORRIBLE guy. HE makes sexually inappropriate comments at work, talks about cheating on his partners, ive even heard him threaten pulling a gun on his girlfriend if she ever cheats on him. He’s threatened to beat people up that “try him”, and he’s made comments about women being inferior etc etc. And he talks like this all of the time…in the workplace. So he makes the workplace unsafe and hostile. So my point is — he should be fired, especially after his fight/screaming match with me. But because my company is so understaffed they refuse to fire a full time salaried manager. I even mentioned all of the hostile work environment stuff to HR and Ben, but they say its their “First time hearing of this” so they don’t intend on firing him over it. So NOW, Joe hates me and I have a feeling they’re just waiting for me to quit. But Joe has done this to probably four other employees I know of… employees get on his bad side, and he has the upper hand and fires them before they cause any trouble. But I refuse to let him win this. But since nobody will listen to me I need some sort of collective action. Ive started reaching out to coworkers and ex-workers to write statements about Joe and how hes dangerous and makes people uncomfortable and feel unsafe. Some people however are worried that by signing their name they could get in trouble/he could harm them. What’s the best way for me to approach/leverage this? My initial plan is to collect at minimum 10 statements and submit it to all the higher ups demanding his termination (thinking to the CEO, CFO, HR, etc). But I’m worried it’ll fall on deaf ears because im just a part time worker (I have worked here for two years though and am a manager) and then I’ll put everyone at risk by submitting names with these statements. How can I gain leverage to get this guy fired? I could easily just quit and let this all die but I feel a sense of responsibility. Is sending statements going to be a waste of time and put people in danger? Could I make a public statement? How can I find the most collective power to create action?

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