
Is it… really happening?

I can’t help but to believe that all these reports of people quitting twitter and refusing to put up with Elon’s bullshit was strongly aided by the discourse on threads like this and the willingness of workers to share their experiences and post screenshots of them calling their bosses bluff and walking away. Workers empowering themselves leads to workers empowering each other. I just want to say how proud I am of y’all. With Starbucks, teachers and rail workers striking and now tech companies showing their true colors, I hope we’re witnessing the first ripples of the working class-led changes that are yet to come.

I can’t help but to believe that all these reports of people quitting twitter and refusing to put up with Elon’s bullshit was strongly aided by the discourse on threads like this and the willingness of workers to share their experiences and post screenshots of them calling their bosses bluff and walking away. Workers empowering themselves leads to workers empowering each other. I just want to say how proud I am of y’all. With Starbucks, teachers and rail workers striking and now tech companies showing their true colors, I hope we’re witnessing the first ripples of the working class-led changes that are yet to come.

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