
“Be more positive”? Thanks! I’m cured!

According to my former manager, part of the reason I was fired was my attitude. I was always too negative. Never mind that I have a documented history of severe anxiety and clinical depression. Which he was well aware of because it's the same justification I used for an ADA exemption when he tried forcing the team to return to office full time. Anyhow: With regards to your negativity, I have asked you multiple times verbally over the months to be a positive person, and to rectify your attitude. I’ve also said multiple times that our team needs to be a positive force in the company and outside. I understand this may be your style of humour, sarcasm, or way to provide feedback, but as indicated previously and now again in writing, this is inappropriate and this needs to stop. […] In the future I expect you to behave in…

According to my former manager, part of the reason I was fired was my attitude. I was always too negative. Never mind that I have a documented history of severe anxiety and clinical depression. Which he was well aware of because it's the same justification I used for an ADA exemption when he tried forcing the team to return to office full time. Anyhow:

With regards to your negativity, I have asked you multiple times verbally over the months to be a positive person, and to rectify your attitude. I’ve also said multiple times that our team needs to be a positive force in the company and outside. I understand this may be your style of humour, sarcasm, or way to provide feedback, but as indicated previously and now again in writing, this is inappropriate and this needs to stop. […] In the future I expect you to behave in a positive manner and stop any messages in any public group that can be perceived as negative, sarcastic, or of dubious humour.

The conversation that sparked this reprimand was a Teams chat with the 5 people in our group. It was hardly “public” – but whatever. I was lamenting the fact that getting something as simple as a typo fixed on our website took months, to general agreement and commiserating on the bureaucracy at the company.

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