
Why does skipping a day of work because of health problems feels “wrong”?

This is more of a rant over something that just happened to me. Context: in February my doctor suggested I (26M) do some blood and urine tests every 2-3 months until next year just to check on the possibility of me having a certain disease. Nothing to worry much thought, as my doctor is really calm about this situation, and the tests are just to be 100% sure that i'm ok instead of ~80% sure. So, today I got my upcoming round of tests scheduled for next week and I already warned my supervisors at work about it. Their first reaction was “Next week? You know we have a really big project to finish next week, even missing a morning will impact the whole team…”. As soon as I heard this I already lost my motivation to even work for the next days (I kinda like the job I have…

This is more of a rant over something that just happened to me. Context: in February my doctor suggested I (26M) do some blood and urine tests every 2-3 months until next year just to check on the possibility of me having a certain disease. Nothing to worry much thought, as my doctor is really calm about this situation, and the tests are just to be 100% sure that i'm ok instead of ~80% sure.

So, today I got my upcoming round of tests scheduled for next week and I already warned my supervisors at work about it. Their first reaction was “Next week? You know we have a really big project to finish next week, even missing a morning will impact the whole team…“. As soon as I heard this I already lost my motivation to even work for the next days (I kinda like the job I have now, just not some of the people that work with me). They didn't even ask me if I was alright or if I had any problem, they immediately thought about my work productivity instead.

I know I have the right to miss that specific workday, but why does taking time off just to take care of my personal health feels “illegal”? I really don't understand this weird obsession that higher management folks have with employees missing a work day just to take care of their personal well-being, why is it that every single time some of us have to skip a day of work because of health issues we're seen as “lazy” and they want god-knows-how-many notes from the doctor just to confirm that I am sick?

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