
Urban Communes can Liberate us from our Overlords

To fight against the land and business owners, we can use our collective incomes to buy property. By purchasing non-market housing and converting it to communes, that collectively provides all services and necessities, living expenses can be made dirt cheap. Just 100 workers with a general salary of $20-30k would have a collective income of $2-3 million. With shared utilities and food being bought in bulk, they could live at an extremely low expense. The majority of their salary could go to paying off the debt of the building they live in. Once it's paid off, the amount of excess wealth could be invested into luxury and leisure. Allowing poor people, who would have otherwise never had dreamed of a retirement, now be able to retire early in their life. Even those better off, financially, could be attracted to such a lifestyle. Communes could also provide plenty of other services…

To fight against the land and business owners, we can use our collective incomes to buy property. By purchasing non-market housing and converting it to communes, that collectively provides all services and necessities, living expenses can be made dirt cheap.

Just 100 workers with a general salary of $20-30k would have a collective income of $2-3 million. With shared utilities and food being bought in bulk, they could live at an extremely low expense. The majority of their salary could go to paying off the debt of the building they live in. Once it's paid off, the amount of excess wealth could be invested into luxury and leisure. Allowing poor people, who would have otherwise never had dreamed of a retirement, now be able to retire early in their life. Even those better off, financially, could be attracted to such a lifestyle.

Communes could also provide plenty of other services like schooling, fitness centers, cafeterias, etc. They could also invest in assets and potentially start businesses that support the community and their collective income. I can see communes becoming an economic force in the market, if they choose to be.

The private market is literally killing their workers for pennies and making living expenses unreasonably high. Communes could be the answer to all that. Their presence would force the private sector to compete, finally freeing us from our capitalistic torment.

I encourage you to spread this idea. The whole world should start building communes to defend us from the capitalists. Once many communes are established, we can create a network, having them communicate and work together. Potentially, creating a government that actually works for and is run by it's people.

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