
HR sat me down today

For context I was in the psychiatric hospital a couple of months ago due to work sending me into a mental breakdown. I ended up discharging earlier than I was supposed to, because they called me to let me know I have run out of PTO. Since I came back I've made the decision to look for new employment. Stupid me also decided the considerate thing to do would be to tell my supervisor I'm searching for a new job. Now they're all but pushing me out the door, so they can get a new person in. Mentally things have been almost worse. I've had to leave early to be mentally evaluated a couple of times. I've decided that it would be for the best if I take a break, and go to partial hospitalization. I informed my supervisor of this, and also told her I might not return if…

For context I was in the psychiatric hospital a couple of months ago due to work sending me into a mental breakdown. I ended up discharging earlier than I was supposed to, because they called me to let me know I have run out of PTO.

Since I came back I've made the decision to look for new employment. Stupid me also decided the considerate thing to do would be to tell my supervisor I'm searching for a new job. Now they're all but pushing me out the door, so they can get a new person in.

Mentally things have been almost worse. I've had to leave early to be mentally evaluated a couple of times. I've decided that it would be for the best if I take a break, and go to partial hospitalization. I informed my supervisor of this, and also told her I might not return if I get hired at a new place while I'm gone.

Today is my last day before I start the hospitalization program. Someone from HR stopped by because she was “just in the neighborhood,” and asked me to sit down with my supervisor to have a chat. She asked me what's been going on, and I told her honestly that my mental health has been declining, it's impacting my work, so I made the decision to go back to the program.

She basically told me what I already know. That she needs a doctor's note from the program I'm doing, I'm putting everyone else in a rough position, that I don't have any PTO left, and that me not putting in my 2 weeks is causing issues. And then she said she wants me to send any updates to her directly.

The vibe was very strange. We concluded, and I asked my boss what that was all about. She told me that was very different than what HR had told her she was going to say. Basically HR told my boss they don't want me to communicate with her anymore, and only through them from now on.

I'm trying to wrap my head around why they suddenly made this decision, and why she felt the need to come say this in person. My supervisor thinks they are planning to refuse my time off, and give me a warning, so they have reason to fire me

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