
I’m tired of the same phrases

VENTING Man, how did so many generations let the corporate atmosphere get so bad? I posted some time ago about SA at my job and that a family member (father) worked with me, making it difficult to properly report or vent since he sides with offenders more than victims. This is the man who forgave his family molester because he was told to, so I know he’s brainwashed for good. But the MASS amounts of people who just tell distressed workers to “smile” and “not let it bother you” is so insanely large, it’s no wonder corporate issues never get settled! When you have a coworker telling you to “keep your head up” after months of the job letting my SA run around and make other women uncomfortable (and thus quit) has me pulling my hair out more than the incident itself. They were more on top of me and…


Man, how did so many generations let the corporate atmosphere get so bad? I posted some time ago about SA at my job and that a family member (father) worked with me, making it difficult to properly report or vent since he sides with offenders more than victims. This is the man who forgave his family molester because he was told to, so I know he’s brainwashed for good.

But the MASS amounts of people who just tell distressed workers to “smile” and “not let it bother you” is so insanely large, it’s no wonder corporate issues never get settled! When you have a coworker telling you to “keep your head up” after months of the job letting my SA run around and make other women uncomfortable (and thus quit) has me pulling my hair out more than the incident itself. They were more on top of me and my attendance while I got to hear new stories of how this guy was fucking up his job every single day and occasionally, put his hands on a woman. They finally fired the guy, because he was caught touching another worker. Incredible.

But what has me more pressed are the people who have slowly watched me crumble for the past month and tell me “not to let it bother me”. They think I’m taking this too personally or I’m “thinking of too many people other than myself”. They feel I should focus on my work and not let things bother me. I just wonder if their kids were in my position, would they tell them the same thing? Did they go through the same thing and have to keep it to themselves? Is that why they pass this belief on? Maybe I’m impatient and brash, I feel as though it should have been dealt with the first week, not given a warning till he finally got caught reoffending.

Maybe the true crime I watch doesn’t help. It’s like they fed into his power ego and (not to generalize but I do work with halfway house members) let him think he was untouchable, so he kept going. Dude looked like he was on drugs too when he came in to work. Everyone noticed it. But job did nothing. I hope my generation can and wants to fix this, I don’t think anyone should have to go to work and deal with bs like this. I get people go through it, by why can’t we do more to prevent it? Or at least handle it right when it happens?

How have you all handled situations where you were told to “sit down and shut up.” How did you handle it?

Edit: SA is Sexual Assault

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