
You don’t have a real shortage

There is no stupid employee shortage. I know this has been said time and time again. My fiancé quit his job in October because he was the only employee & was being taken advantage of. We had savings, I work & thought we would be fine. It’s March, and nothing has panned out. He goes on interviews, pay is garbage, thinks “ok if they make a formal offer I’ll bite the bullet until something else” but no, just not a thing. He’s experienced, has good references from all other employers, but these jobs are like “WE NEED WORKERS” and yet, crickets. It’s frustrating- and I feel guilty for convincing him to quit. I know that his body and mind were suffering, but I just was so naive that 5 months of savings would be enough. We both thought with his skills/experience/willingness and all the “WE NEED YOU NOW” signs would…

There is no stupid employee shortage. I know this has been said time and time again. My fiancé quit his job in October because he was the only employee & was being taken advantage of. We had savings, I work & thought we would be fine. It’s March, and nothing has panned out. He goes on interviews, pay is garbage, thinks “ok if they make a formal offer I’ll bite the bullet until something else” but no, just not a thing. He’s experienced, has good references from all other employers, but these jobs are like “WE NEED WORKERS” and yet, crickets. It’s frustrating- and I feel guilty for convincing him to quit. I know that his body and mind were suffering, but I just was so naive that 5 months of savings would be enough. We both thought with his skills/experience/willingness and all the “WE NEED YOU NOW” signs would be enough to get him income. But no, employers just want to create this fake problem so they can operate on skeleton crews -.-

He’s instacarting, I make “too much” now for food stamps, but literally we can’t afford to survive anymore. I’m $50 short on rent and literally will be hitting food banks tomorrow for groceries 🙁 It’s a struggle, I hate capitalism. I am mad that I feel like I’m failing as a mom now. I just can’t deal today, sorry for the rant. This is the worst financial position I’ve ever been in in my life. I’ll probably pick up a second job just to make ends meet (if I can find one -.-)

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