
Idk what I should do

I have been at my job over a year and month now. I got promoted and now I got transitioned from my manager that I truly enjoyed and supported in me and believed in me to this new manager. Let me tell you about this NEW manager. Passive aggressive with every question I ask. Acting like I should know the answer and always questioning me why I didn’t get my work done or get the things she asked of me done. Everything I was trained throw it out the window and this is how we are doing it now. Instead of actively showing and visually giving examples to help the team out she bitches and complains about our team how we are always dead last. And it’s not just me that feels this way it’s me and another coworker that we came from the same training group to join this…

I have been at my job over a year and month now. I got promoted and now I got transitioned from my manager that I truly enjoyed and supported in me and believed in me to this new manager.

Let me tell you about this NEW manager. Passive aggressive with every question I ask. Acting like I should know the answer and always questioning me why I didn’t get my work done or get the things she asked of me done. Everything I was trained throw it out the window and this is how we are doing it now. Instead of actively showing and visually giving examples to help the team out she bitches and complains about our team how we are always dead last. And it’s not just me that feels this way it’s me and another coworker that we came from the same training group to join this managers team. She has done the same kind of treatment to her as well. Instead of congratulating us that we got several file closures, she was like do we really have these file closures? Like completely doubting us and team ability.
I’ll be straight forward I enjoyed working at the company up until this. I feel like since I got into this new position my anxiety have quadrupled. I have to give myself a pep talk to show up to work. I am afraid of asking questions now. I am completely going to have to change my anxiety meds or the dose because I am struggling to sleep through the night due to this stress. I have even started looking at jobs else where because I can’t tolerate this treatment in hopes anxiety would decrease. I am struggling to quit because there isn’t anything close to the pay I am getting. I can’t afford to quit since my significant other does not earn enough to survive. I just never felt so stuck and even the thought of work tomorrow just brings me dread. Any suggestions or ideas at this point ?

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