
Just found out I was lied to about my hourly wage, need advice.

I hate my job. I've only been there for about a month, and even though most of my coworkers and my direct manager are great, the upper management is shit, we're critically understaffed, and even though my department just opened, we've already had other people leave. I'm one of only three closers and often close alone, which takes hours and I've NEVER gotten out on time before. When I was hired, the store manager and I verbally agreed to (note: I don't have it in writing, so I think I might be screwed) a rate of $13.50/hr (which is already way more than they're paying a lot of my coworkers, I'm just lucky to have family members who taught me how to negotiate). I know it was $13.50 because I was considering another job offer that was $13/hr and the higher pay rate was one of the main reasons I…

I hate my job. I've only been there for about a month, and even though most of my coworkers and my direct manager are great, the upper management is shit, we're critically understaffed, and even though my department just opened, we've already had other people leave. I'm one of only three closers and often close alone, which takes hours and I've NEVER gotten out on time before.

When I was hired, the store manager and I verbally agreed to (note: I don't have it in writing, so I think I might be screwed) a rate of $13.50/hr (which is already way more than they're paying a lot of my coworkers, I'm just lucky to have family members who taught me how to negotiate). I know it was $13.50 because I was considering another job offer that was $13/hr and the higher pay rate was one of the main reasons I chose my current job.

Last night, when reviewing my pay stubs, I did some math and realized I've only been getting paid $12.50/hr, which is a big fucking difference when I've been working full-time hours and busting my ass (our department is new and our profits are through the fucking roof, I've seen the records). I'm going to request a meeting with the store manager, but I have no clue what/how to say what I want to.

I know that if I left, it would seriously fuck their ability to keep doing business. I'm aware of my value, but our store manager is not. He's already been telling people we're overstaffed (laughably untrue) and has no idea about how we actually operate. I am prepared to resign, but I'd prefer to stay on until I can find another job.

Does anyone have some advice on what I should say in my meeting?

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