
Find a job where you’re valued.

I start a new job tomorrow. The director literally created a job for me (whole lot of hoops for that in government) and I've been waiting anxiously for months for it to happen. It feels surreal to be going to a workplace where I'm actually wanted and valued. When I put in my notice at my old place, I mainly got shrugs. I'm the fifth person to leave this year and three more are planning to soon. We are regularly told by higher ups “you're replaceable” so I guess they can have fun replacing us. They didn't even bother trying to counter my offer to keep me around. New job is giving me a 20% raise, much more affordable health insurance, a really amazing pension, and even a 457 with employer matching. I have zero retirement savings and the idea I could actually save for that is unbelievable. While I…

I start a new job tomorrow. The director literally created a job for me (whole lot of hoops for that in government) and I've been waiting anxiously for months for it to happen. It feels surreal to be going to a workplace where I'm actually wanted and valued.

When I put in my notice at my old place, I mainly got shrugs. I'm the fifth person to leave this year and three more are planning to soon. We are regularly told by higher ups “you're replaceable” so I guess they can have fun replacing us. They didn't even bother trying to counter my offer to keep me around.

New job is giving me a 20% raise, much more affordable health insurance, a really amazing pension, and even a 457 with employer matching. I have zero retirement savings and the idea I could actually save for that is unbelievable.

While I wish I could just stay home with my son all day, we don't live in a world where most of us can get by on one salary. So if I do have to work, I'd rather be with people who are kind, and happy, and dedicated, than people who are miserable in a toxic hellhole. And work for someone who sees me as a human with needs and worth, not just a robot or warm body. Really, really excited for tomorrow!

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