
Abusive work environment + extra responsibilities. Asking for a raise as an ultimatum?

FYI: I have posted about this situation in the past but there are updates. I am ACTIVELY looking for a new job—preferably not in corporate America. I just haven’t found one yet and I need to pay my rent. I can’t afford to quit but I am happy to be fired and collect unemployment. I started working at a small company 5.5 months ago. 2 months in, the social media manager was fired and I took on his job as well as my own (which requires a lot of work). I work for micromanaging leadership, and the owner publicly shames or gets hyper critical of me in meetings, changes goal posts, acts like she didn’t tell me to do things and gets mad when I do, and is an all around narcissist. Anyway, my (amazing) supervisor is leaving. She was the only one who had my back and stood up…

FYI: I have posted about this situation in the past but there are updates. I am ACTIVELY looking for a new job—preferably not in corporate America. I just haven’t found one yet and I need to pay my rent. I can’t afford to quit but I am happy to be fired and collect unemployment.

I started working at a small company 5.5 months ago. 2 months in, the social media manager was fired and I took on his job as well as my own (which requires a lot of work). I work for micromanaging leadership, and the owner publicly shames or gets hyper critical of me in meetings, changes goal posts, acts like she didn’t tell me to do things and gets mad when I do, and is an all around narcissist.

Anyway, my (amazing) supervisor is leaving. She was the only one who had my back and stood up for me. Now I am a team of one. And they’re starting to give me her responsibilities and added me to a department manager meeting that will require me to compile reports. Despite saying that they were working to replace her ASAP 2 weeks ago, there have been no job postings about her role. This set me off and I scheduled a meeting about a raise in an email. I am having this conversation tomorrow.

This job is impacting my wellbeing and I’ve been looking elsewhere BUT I’d like to have some more extra money in my pocket in case I have to leave suddenly before finding something else, and in principle. I was thinking of implying it is a deal-breaker by saying something like “if I don’t receive an immediate raise, that will tell me that the company does not share my same values of employee well-being and will make me re-think whether I fit in here.” Tbh, if they fire me I’ll just collect unemployment.

Any advice on what to do? I’m very miserable, terrified for when my boss leaves, and resentful.

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