
Boss puts together a holiday dinner but I don’t want to go. He asked me why I said no to the RSVP.

My boss wanted us to RSVP for a holiday dinner party. I didn't want to go cause there's really only one person at work that I'm friends with and they're not going. I'd rather not eat silently at a table sitting opposite to the board of directors like I was last year so I said no to the RSVP my boss sent out. He then emails me later asking me why. I was so insulted I still haven't responded to that email after a week and I've been avoiding him like the plague. Do I be honest and tell him or keep my mouth shut as I really don't have to answer him?

My boss wanted us to RSVP for a holiday dinner party. I didn't want to go cause there's really only one person at work that I'm friends with and they're not going. I'd rather not eat silently at a table sitting opposite to the board of directors like I was last year so I said no to the RSVP my boss sent out.

He then emails me later asking me why. I was so insulted I still haven't responded to that email after a week and I've been avoiding him like the plague.

Do I be honest and tell him or keep my mouth shut as I really don't have to answer him?

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