
Trying to explain inflation to my Mother

My mother is in her sixtees she is a great person raised me with lots of love. I was raised on a horse farm and had to clean the barn stalls when I was a kid I did it for 10 bucks per hour it was bskc breaking for that little amount. She always defending it by saying well when I was a kid I worked for my dad putting locks onto apartment doors for 5 bucks a hour when she was a kid Recently I asked her when dk you think this was the 70s or the 80s and ofc she said oh I can't remember. SO I showed her the math In 1975 $5 was $27.70 In 1980 $5 was $18.08 When I was about 16 I flipped on her saying you don't pay enough and that's why none of my friends want to help you like I…

My mother is in her sixtees she is a great person raised me with lots of love. I was raised on a horse farm and had to clean the barn stalls when I was a kid I did it for 10 bucks per hour it was bskc breaking for that little amount.

She always defending it by saying well when I was a kid I worked for my dad putting locks onto apartment doors for 5 bucks a hour when she was a kid

Recently I asked her when dk you think this was the 70s or the 80s and ofc she said oh I can't remember.

SO I showed her the math

In 1975 $5 was $27.70

In 1980 $5 was $18.08

When I was about 16 I flipped on her saying you don't pay enough and that's why none of my friends want to help you like I do which was true she was mad none of my buddies or her friends kids wanted to help when they could get 20 an hour elsewhere and she was still paying 10 maybe 15 this was 10 years ago.

Nowadays when I help her on the farm she pays me 20 bucks like any other laborer she would hire off classifieds and that's not alot but it's more than minimum wage which is something.

She still has the older person mentslity of I'm gonna push you incredibly hard for this hour and if you do 1 thing slightly wrong to take up more time I'm gonna call you out on it which is ridiculous you are paying for my time if you want me to work like iron man pay me more for my time.

She would get mad at me for taking breaks sitting down against a tree when I was pulling sleds full of horse manure and hay.

Nowadays she is alot better but for such a financially intelligent women who manages the entire family it was Coy to see her shrug off the figures I told her about inflation she knows why I brought it up.

SO even if older people understand inflation brcsis eghey buy groceries they still have the not jb my backyard mentslity towards paying people and what a liveable wage and working conditions are

She has ADHD so that's a factor often times I physically have to tell her to slow down and take her time so she downs they vertigo or work herself so hard she can barley walk. She renovates houses she lived in did that with one sokd it and is doing it with another even tough she made enough to retire

Whsts the point of having money to retire when you are in pain everyday from working like a dog for 5 years renovating and why do it again l.

She is honestly a work at home workaholic

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