
Let me tell you about the time I cost my employer five grand

Posting before I get banned again If he's reading this sub, he'll know who I am, but what are the chances of that. It was a few years ago anyway. Dude was a psychopath. We had a few wage theft scandals in Australia, over the last few years, and his fast food takeout place was ground zero for one of the first. He was done over for tens of thousands of dollars for underpaying his staff, his delivery drivers etc. It was all over the papers and triggered a nationwide investigation into the chain. Mug me, needed a job, had plenty of experience working in the industry, so I started working there a few months after the scandal blew over. To be fair I didn't know it was the wage scandal store until after I accepted the job and started working there. Assistant manager, but really, assistant to the store…

Posting before I get banned again

If he's reading this sub, he'll know who I am, but what are the chances of that. It was a few years ago anyway.

Dude was a psychopath. We had a few wage theft scandals in Australia, over the last few years, and his fast food takeout place was ground zero for one of the first. He was done over for tens of thousands of dollars for underpaying his staff, his delivery drivers etc. It was all over the papers and triggered a nationwide investigation into the chain.

Mug me, needed a job, had plenty of experience working in the industry, so I started working there a few months after the scandal blew over.

To be fair I didn't know it was the wage scandal store until after I accepted the job and started working there. Assistant manager, but really, assistant to the store owner's crazy parents. If you've seen Kitchen Nightmares you'll know the sort. No cookery or hospo experience whatsoever, but they 100% know better than you do how to do your job. So that was nice. The owner himself, I should mention, was some sort of executive for one of the big 4 consulting firms, and he lived three hours away. So he relied on the management team and his parents to keep things ticking over

Motherlover was still ripping off his employees, even after getting caught and fined for it. He was also ripping off his suppliers, ignoring their invoices and putting us in a position where we had to take money out of the till and go to the supermarket to replenish our stock because our suppliers were refusing to supply.

The staff hated being there and I don't blame them for it. It was an absolute nightmare. And it was a busy store too, so we'd get hammered every night and it was all we could do to make them do their jobs. The manager hated it too, so much so that he quit a few weeks later and I got left holding the can.

So I became 'the store manager' and got a nice 'contract', another dodge to get out of paying benefits, but I didn't care because I needed that $900 a week. I think I mentioned he had no experience in fast food, so when he tried to 'motivate' me by offering bonuses tied to KPIs, I guided him towards some absurdly simple KPIs to meet, effectively doubling my income to $1800 a week. Not bad for a uni student.

Anyway this all lasted I think maybe a couple of months. This guy was always trying to pull something. Some weeks he'd 'forget' to pay someone, other's everyone's pay would be a day late, others the pay would be calculated wrongly .. there was always some fucking issue with someones pay. And it was getting worse and worse, week by week. Salami tactics. I knew he was going to keep pushing and pushing to see how much he could get away with.

So the day finally arrived when my pay didn't appear in my bank account. He tried to feed me his bullshit 'but we transferred it' story but I wasn't having a bar of it, I printed out some copies of my resume, left the store in the middle of service and went looking for work elsewhere.

Next morning my pay still isn't in my account, so I tell them to choose between paying me or replacing me. They chose to pay me, but I was so far gone there was no way I was going to stick around. I cancelled everybody's shift, stuck a sign up on the door telling customers to go to our competitors, and left.

This was a Saturday, we typically trade $5-$6k on a Saturday.

Sucks the staff had to lose a shift, but I fucked over the owner. He had to take time off work to come down and run the store himself until a replacement was found, and he lost all of Saturday nights takings lol

I hope this story inspires you to resign spectacularly too.

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