
Employers complaining about quiet quitting are just mad they are getting a taste of their own medicine with their quiet firing

So yeah there’s a flip side to the coin, there’s also quiet firing. I used to be a manager for quite awhile and I was trained in this. The higher ups want to do everything to avoid firing someone and having to pay out unemployment, so what do we do? Give them shitty shifts. They say they can only work Tuesday , Thursday , and Friday? Well now you’re only scheduled Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Sorry we just need those days covered and if you can’t work them I don’t have any other hours for you. Give them less hours. They used to work 35? Well now slowly it’s 30.. 25… 20… so on so forth. Basically your owners instruct you to make their working conditions unfavorable but still completely legal. This makes them quit themselves because they obviously won’t survive off of 15 hours a week. They’ve been doing…

So yeah there’s a flip side to the coin, there’s also quiet firing. I used to be a manager for quite awhile and I was trained in this. The higher ups want to do everything to avoid firing someone and having to pay out unemployment, so what do we do?

Give them shitty shifts. They say they can only work Tuesday , Thursday , and Friday? Well now you’re only scheduled Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Sorry we just need those days covered and if you can’t work them I don’t have any other hours for you.

Give them less hours. They used to work 35? Well now slowly it’s 30.. 25… 20… so on so forth.

Basically your owners instruct you to make their working conditions unfavorable but still completely legal. This makes them quit themselves because they obviously won’t survive off of 15 hours a week.

They’ve been doing this for Jesus idk probably ever since unemployment had become a thing.

But anyway thought I’d share something that management is taught to do so you guys have something to look out for.

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