
When your subordinate becomes your supervisor

I joined a premier company as it was a 50% pay increase and a new learning environment. I felt that I had won the lottery in business. A few months into the job I was assigned a new employee to train. He had no experience and no desire to learn. He felt the whole job beneath him as he had been a supervisor previously. Th Boss came to the group of seven of us and said that one of us would be promoted to group leader. We were told that the interview process would be like a new hire and be properly dressed and ready. I interviewed and felt that I was in the running for the position when I found out my subordinate was promoted due to his previously management work. I took it in stride and went to congratulate him on his good fortune. He started cursing at…

I joined a premier company as it was a 50% pay increase and a new learning environment. I felt that I had won the lottery in business.

A few months into the job I was assigned a new employee to train. He had no experience and no desire to learn. He felt the whole job beneath him as he had been a supervisor previously.

Th Boss came to the group of seven of us and said that one of us would be promoted to group leader. We were told that the interview process would be like a new hire and be properly dressed and ready.

I interviewed and felt that I was in the running for the position when I found out my subordinate was promoted due to his previously management work. I took it in stride and went to congratulate him on his good fortune. He started cursing at me and telling me that I was a substandard worker and if I didn't straighten up and bow down to him I would be terminated.

I asked that he cease cursing as that was unprofessional and he told me that I was to shut up and sit down as he was in charge and not me.

I took my complaint to Personnel and they wrote him a letter to cease and desist his behavior, which he did.

He started calling all of the staff by names such as Hitler, Pol Pot, or Stalin. Fortunately he avoided that with me. After a few weeks he began calling me Fidel. I said that was an evil name in Florida and to please cease. When the name calling continued I again went to personnel and they wrote a second letter stating that this was the second complaint an if a third occurred he would be terminated.

Shortly thereafter was my second year review with the boss and I was fried by the accusations of incompetence. I went through each accusation and proved that they were all false using documentation and that I had actually had achieved a Masters degree while working.

My boss called the group leader in to discuss the revised review and he was shocked that I had come out looking stellar. I could see in his demeanor that he was plotting new problems and when the boss asked me for any final words I said “I Quit!”

They were shocked and I got up and left the company as I had already accepted a different job. The group leader was fired as the group needed six staff members and my leaving made It five.

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