
how do you start organizing a union when every coworker is too tired to fight

I am exhausted. I work at a public healthcare service and we are taking part in the healthcare system handling the refugees in my country. With Russia invading Ukraine it has been a mess lately. Of course we are not enough employees and the workload gets bigger everyday. HR doesn't want to employ more people, we are too tired to do a pefect job and when mistakes happen, it can directly impact the medical path of a person. Most of the time it doesn't and we manage the situation without issues. But every single mistakes that happens, we will get a passive agressive email from manager, probably written in his big, pretty office while we work everyday in bad conditions, still trying to see every patient as a person instead of a file number. We work our asses off because we love the job and we want the people arriving…

I am exhausted.
I work at a public healthcare service and we are taking part in the healthcare system handling the refugees in my country. With Russia invading Ukraine it has been a mess lately. Of course we are not enough employees and the workload gets bigger everyday.

HR doesn't want to employ more people, we are too tired to do a pefect job and when mistakes happen, it can directly impact the medical path of a person. Most of the time it doesn't and we manage the situation without issues. But every single mistakes that happens, we will get a passive agressive email from manager, probably written in his big, pretty office while we work everyday in bad conditions, still trying to see every patient as a person instead of a file number.

We work our asses off because we love the job and we want the people arriving in the country, not speaking the language, to have the medical care they need.
The only answer to our complains is “we are handling a major crisis so it will be chaos for a long time”.

My coworkers are too exhausted to talk about a union and I have no idea, no ressources, and no energy to start something. I hate that these corporates made me hate a job that I love doing. So yeah maybe I am looking for ideas – how to organize something when too exhausted. They cannot keep driving every employee to burnout forever, right ?

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