
Make employer’s bid on you

I posted this about a year ago: TL;DR I pass out my resume. Instead of taking a single job, interviewing, and deciding. I take a weeks worth of interviews, and tell each: 'I interviewed with competitor A this morning, and I will be with competitor C tomorrow, what can you offer me?' Turning the market in my favor. Works great. I am actually in the middle of a job change and doing this now. I got on linked in around 8 weeks ago, got connections and posted some stuff to look like I know what I am doing. I had recruiters bothering me immediately. So I told them I was gonna move but in a few months. 2 weeks ago I said to the recruiters ' now is time' and they all ask 'how much you wanna make?' I says I will talk for [5k more than I make…

I posted this about a year ago:

I pass out my resume. Instead of taking a single job, interviewing, and deciding. I take a weeks worth of interviews, and tell each: 'I interviewed with competitor A this morning, and I will be with competitor C tomorrow, what can you offer me?' Turning the market in my favor. Works great.

I am actually in the middle of a job change and doing this now.

I got on linked in around 8 weeks ago, got connections and posted some stuff to look like I know what I am doing.

I had recruiters bothering me immediately. So I told them I was gonna move but in a few months. 2 weeks ago I said to the recruiters ' now is time' and they all ask 'how much you wanna make?' I says I will talk for [5k more than I make now] but I will not work for that much. I will work for [15k more than I make now] but that is subject to change. I am having interviews the week of [5 weeks out] and based on the offers I get that week, I will be making my final decision on pay'.

I knew I was in the sweet spot when some recruiters said 'too much, I cannot help you' and others said 'you are totally worth it, lemme see what I can do'. Since recruiters often charge a commission that is a percentage of my salary, when only some say 'too much' that tells me that without their commission on top, I will be at the upper end of my range.

I told them they have a week head start, after that I am broadcasting my resume. So tell me who you are talking to so I do not contact them directly and you lose your commission.' I got 2 recruiters left, both talking to places I probably would not want to work… so good on them. Hope it works out…

Meanwhile, I put out feelers with people I have worked with. I got 2 interviews from that so far. With 3 more in the works.

Then on Sunday I put put my resume broadly, essentially sending it to whomever I could find in my industry… answering Indeed postings and just emailing it. I got a lot of phone calls on that one. 2 interviews from that so far… in 3 days. Most of the Indeed jobs are still marinating. But the direct emails are already converted.

I have had phone conversations with all I am interviewing with. The 'making sure you are not a bozo' call. I had one insisit on a meeting immediately. Must be face to face, must be today….
Aright, I will be in the neighborhood just by luck, so whatever. The boss and his lackey. The boss says hello, and 6 minutes later duck's out for a phone call that was previously scheduled…. how respectful. The lackey is young, and not too bright. I let him ask me stuff that my resume answered for 10 minutes and excused myself. I got a message saying that they appreciated I met with them, but determined I am “too driven” and will end up starting my own business…. so we are not a good fit. The best part about this strategy is that this can happen and I can chuckle…. who needs that wacko, I got 3 interviews [at that point] scheduled. Blow me off, I do not care… now I can warn my coworkers about that guy.

I had another owner talk to me for 30 minutes. I told him clearly about my interviewing plan, he did not hear it. So I called him and set it up for the Tuesday of my interview week [now 3 weeks away]. He then texted [after he realized what the implications were] that he did 'not want to be in a bidding war for my services'. As if it would hurt my feelings. I just thanked him for his time. 'If you change your mind, you know where to find me'. Hehe.

I am planning on using the non full remote positions to bid upper the fully remote ones [I want to work full remote]. 'I have an offer [that I do not want] for x, can you match this?'

I post this as a helping hand. Don't let the table be stacked against you. Restructure the interaction. The labor market is still tight. I did this in 2010-12 when the labor market was NOT tight. It works. great.

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