
Work Limbo, part 3.

So yesterday, one of the supervisors gave me shit for being “slow” with this task : ​ I should note that they tried to get me to start it at 3:30 PM but I *literally could not leave* the till because customers did not stop coming through it until 4:09 PM (I was meant to clock out at 5. I clocked out at 5:50. Not amused) Details details, we had a little yelling match at each other and I was lied to, to my face, about how other people (Zero evidence, obvs) can do faster *with* customers. I was pretty confident I wouldn't come in for tomorrow's shift (Which is an afternoon shift so my meds will fuck me up *and* it involves the same cleaning shit task I hate. A lot.), but a very “Oh boy..” sounding supervisor called me to ask if I'm coming in tomorrow. Couldn't…

So yesterday, one of the supervisors gave me shit for being “slow” with this task :

I should note that they tried to get me to start it at 3:30 PM but I *literally could not leave* the till because customers did not stop coming through it until 4:09 PM (I was meant to clock out at 5. I clocked out at 5:50. Not amused)

Details details, we had a little yelling match at each other and I was lied to, to my face, about how other people (Zero evidence, obvs) can do faster *with* customers.

I was pretty confident I wouldn't come in for tomorrow's shift (Which is an afternoon shift so my meds will fuck me up *and* it involves the same cleaning shit task I hate. A lot.), but a very “Oh boy..” sounding supervisor called me to ask if I'm coming in tomorrow. Couldn't negotiate to not have the cleaning parts of my shift with him if all I get is that I'm slow and bad at it and hold everyone up from going home to their loved ones (Seriously?) so uhhhh. I'll be trying to hard negotiate tomorrow.

Either I am never, *ever* given that task to do again or I walk and take my strengths with me. Twice in two weeks I've been exposed to some bullshit in shifts with closing times after warning them for weeks about this or that factor.

Bonus points! I and *I alone*was called slow…while my other 2 coworkers were still also cleaning. For that matter, the supervisor calling me slow was ALSO STILL DOING BUSYWORK. So uh. You know.

That's some good singling out. Supervisor got offended when I said I don't need to hear nothing but “I'm slow” all the time. She insinuated that she's giving me advice (??? Where? How?) On how to do better speed up (Literally false) when all it has ever been from her – and *every* supervisor about this shift, is that I'm slow. Could I be slow because most of these are late at night and my medicine wipes me out hours beforehand? And that it's unreasonable and a lot to do for one person? Nah that can't be it, I must be the problem.

Unrelated “issue” was set to resolve perfectly nicely with a very patient manager (Love you, S) when the same woman butted in and made comments at me. (I can detail this in an edit if interested), telling me “something must be wrong with your ears”.

*Yes*, actually, I had my ear drums burst by force when I was FOUR. I told her this, adopting an upset attitude . Her response was to just shrug and go “Okay. I'm partially deaf too”.

So wait.

You're giving me shit about my hearing.

But you're partially deaf?

Her point is, and has always been to deflect, evade, ignore, nullify, and as if a visible cloud of pure ODOR, radiate “It was worse for me I'm the same!” . I spoke to her *once* before about my worries , as a store manager. It was 10-15 minutes of semi condescending I don't care, okay but – other people do it, part of the job, not wanting to understand (or not being smart enough to. Actually wondering, not saying she's dumb….necessarily).

Which is funny because she got *very* offended saying I couldn't come to her with anything because she does those things and interrupts often. At which points she *interrupts* me to say things that merely winked at reality from another realm of space and time.

So uh, yeah. I will attempt to work tomorrow and the next shift on the 10th. There is a ten hour shift on the 13th which means it will involve closing shenanigans. Again. Depending on how they handle me tomorrow, I either leave early, finish that shift and the next one and then do most of the sunday one then just never return orrrrr….

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