
End of the day

Is this just the revolution of the workers who are being paid diddly squat vs the CEO's who are making bank? I feel like that's the big thing that needs to change, we have managers who make far more than they should vs the average workers who make next to nothing. CA.. where I happen to live, a STARTER home is over a million dollars, I mean what the hell, starter 2 bedroom home, nothing much in it, not a great location (near a high school) and it's over a million dollars (I make what I THINK is a decent salary, and it's still like 10 times my salary)

Is this just the revolution of the workers who are being paid diddly squat vs the CEO's who are making bank? I feel like that's the big thing that needs to change, we have managers who make far more than they should vs the average workers who make next to nothing.

CA.. where I happen to live, a STARTER home is over a million dollars, I mean what the hell, starter 2 bedroom home, nothing much in it, not a great location (near a high school) and it's over a million dollars (I make what I THINK is a decent salary, and it's still like 10 times my salary)

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