
Advice? I am on probation. Current job already had a lot going on but I am in “well just let you quit limbo” and don’t know how to best proceed.

Basics: Got hired at this fast food franchise gig freshly off bond and officially on probation. What I had going for me was that my inexperienced manager asked zero questions, though I came clean later about probation m, she was understanding. I had a hard time balancing life with the stress of it all, plus working 6 to 7 days a week for about a month in a half for this company due our old DM wanting less employees on board. Training, food safety standards, and customer satisfaction were/are HORRIBLE. I settled for this job, and there are no one to blame for my call outs -legal or otherwise, than myself. I get that. Shift leader thrown into management with no backbone so therefore did not communicate about things that mattered or really donjer job except make sure our times were good so the owner could get his money and…

Basics: Got hired at this fast food franchise gig freshly off bond and officially on probation.

What I had going for me was that my inexperienced manager asked zero questions, though I came clean later about probation m, she was understanding.

I had a hard time balancing life with the stress of it all, plus working 6 to 7 days a week for about a month in a half for this company due our old DM wanting less employees on board. Training, food safety standards, and customer satisfaction were/are HORRIBLE. I settled for this job, and there are no one to blame for my call outs -legal or otherwise, than myself. I get that.

Shift leader thrown into management with no backbone so therefore did not communicate about things that mattered or really donjer job except make sure our times were good so the owner could get his money and they could keep slower stores in the franchise afloat.

I am trying to filter my frustration and resentment over my choosing to overwork myself for such little overtime and more being taken advantage of so forgive me if I'm too detailed.

It was just bad all the way around and I thought If I stick it out once I found out we would have a new DM it would all be worth it.

Deep down in my heart I didn't want to shift lead for this job.

New DM is a tyrant and just wants to make examples out of people even after me and others explain that this location has been operating in the same chaos since it opened 8 years ago. Per the dude that's been there since it opened. I realized how messed up the whole franchise has been one conversation at a time.

Because I work at a place with everything bagels, and I love everything bagels.. I failed my UA for opiates. Due to recent management change things and me having to explain a call out to my new DM I was taken off the schedule first asked questions later (I did not get arrested I could have simply chose better ways to communicate my call-out due to these things) so my DM returns my call the next morning and I explain I'm on probation, she says she doesn't judge, yada yada and that to let her know what my PO says (basically am I going back to work or going to jail) and I will be put back on the schedule.

No response back from either manager or DM since before the holiday.

I'm familiar with the “take them off the schedule but don't fire them BS” so I admit.. it could be worse.

I just have scenarios running through my head for my interviews I have coming up. Technically – not fired. Technically – I would appreciate it if you did not call them for the reference as we are in an agreement that if things don't turn around I will quit, but I am not looking to rush it.

Any input at all is welcome! And thank you!

TLDR; I am on probation. Had changed in management and also generally worked for a place that would be shut down by the health department and go touched off the schedule but am not fired and don't know how proceed with upcoming interviews.

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