
I no longer know what to do, and my family pins it on me

For a bit of context I am currently unemployed and have my family breathing down my neck while offering no real helpful solutions. My “work experience” in the town I'm in has been 3 jobs, all lasting less than 3 months. The first one was home depot, paint department and I really did enjoy working there and I worked well with most of the staff, maybe a bit monotone on the pager but that's just the way my voice is and I tried to fix it. They laid me off around the second COVID wave right before my 3 month contract expired, and when my friend who still worked there asked others about me being let go, they were equally as suprised. The second job is a private business but tl;dr it was food related and they promised I wouldn't be on food packaging forever, and the owner was a…

For a bit of context I am currently unemployed and have my family breathing down my neck while offering no real helpful solutions. My “work experience” in the town I'm in has been 3 jobs, all lasting less than 3 months.
The first one was home depot, paint department and I really did enjoy working there and I worked well with most of the staff, maybe a bit monotone on the pager but that's just the way my voice is and I tried to fix it. They laid me off around the second COVID wave right before my 3 month contract expired, and when my friend who still worked there asked others about me being let go, they were equally as suprised.
The second job is a private business but tl;dr it was food related and they promised I wouldn't be on food packaging forever, and the owner was a bit agressive, I stayed because of the promise and that I got along with everyone else. I even declined an interview because I thought I'd enjoy working there. Well, December rolls around and I don't get any shifts, I go in three times to say “hey what's going on?” And they pull the excuse of “oh yeah it's covid we're only giving our oldest staff shifts right now we'll call and let you know”. They never did.
The third job was a work from home credit card company that I myself left because I couldn't handle the constant barrage of insults over the phone, nor the fact that I would have to manage 3 chats at a time if I was on the chatline.
So with that in mind, I am still looking for work in my hometown, and have applied to basically every job that isn't fast food under the sun because I would probably crack under the stress right now. I have an almost complete computer programming degree, and have revised my resume three times, and even with cover letters the call backs I've gotten for over three months of putting out resumes, peaking at 35 in one month, and many job fairs?
One, one interview that I'm still waiting for a call back for.
And I walk by these same shops I've applied to more than once and still see the “now hiring” sign, but clearly they're hiring everyone but me.
I have enough to cover the bills for one more month, but I am not going to ask for help from my family because it makes me feel like shit that I couldn't do it myself. It's gotten to the point that my book that I am really passionate about now feels like a burden because I'm taking time to work on that rather than apply to more jobs.
I apologise if this seems kinda vent-ish but I really do need more advice that isn't that I'm “not trying hard enough” or “need to lower my standards and apply to fast food places”. If I do have to work at fast food I would appreciate some recommendations, since I see on here all the time how poorly Starbucks workers and Wendy's employees spesifically are treated I try to avoid those two.

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