
I wish companies would stop making hiring decisions based on where someone went to school

The conversation was about how companies will only hire people who attend certain schools and how I found that unfair. I got my bachelors in cybersecurity at a small school but the program I attended is known in the industry. I applied for one position, went through 3 interviews and got rejected which stung. I then found out they only hire people from big name schools, so I felt as if I was led on by the company too. I attend an online grad school program for digital forensics at a small college. It’s not generally known but the program im in is known among digital forensics professionals. My family member went on how I should’ve gone to this other known school for a different program in tech, but it would not prepare me for what I wanted to do. The conversation got heated and I bursted into tears. I’m…

The conversation was about how companies will only hire people who attend certain schools and how I found that unfair. I got my bachelors in cybersecurity at a small school but the program I attended is known in the industry. I applied for one position, went through 3 interviews and got rejected which stung. I then found out they only hire people from big name schools, so I felt as if I was led on by the company too.

I attend an online grad school program for digital forensics at a small college. It’s not generally known but the program im in is known among digital forensics professionals. My family member went on how I should’ve gone to this other known school for a different program in tech, but it would not prepare me for what I wanted to do. The conversation got heated and I bursted into tears.

I’m very passionate about what I do. I want to keep others safe. I also am
Passionate about giving others a chance to show their skills. I don’t think people should be denied jobs solely based on where they went to school. Lots of people can’t afford to attend expensive schools that are sought out by tech giants, and yet can be still good enough to work at a company like Facebook or Google which hire from certain schools. Hiring requirements like this gate-keep and further keep the poor in the same situation they’re in.

Now I’m being called an attention seeker. So I guess me advocating for those who may not have had the money to attend an expensive school is attention seeking. Alright.

To only blame someone for not getting a job because they went to a certain school is stupid. Why aren’t the companies being blamed for having such standards in the first place? Not everyone can go to the schools the tech giants want in the first place. While they have a right to hire who they want, making a hiring decision just based on school may not always be a good idea because what if that person put no effort into their studies? How can you expect them to be a good worker?

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