
Bad remarks from boss of my boss

Long story short: I got hired 2,5 years ago at a government agency to do a bachelor degree level job. They didn’t actually needed anyone to do this but they needed someone to cover front desk and do some basic admin but they weren’t allowed to hire bumper for admin jobs. I kept insisting in my time there I want more responsibility and do the things I’m hired for but never got it. Today I had a meeting with the boss of my boss cause I kept insisting a lot lately. There she broke it to me that people have been complaining that I’m absent for an hour from time to time and people don’t know where I am (which I’m sure never happens, I don’t leave the workplace and arrive on time and do my 8 hours where a lot of people come in and go as they please)…

Long story short: I got hired 2,5 years ago at a government agency to do a bachelor degree level job. They didn’t actually needed anyone to do this but they needed someone to cover front desk and do some basic admin but they weren’t allowed to hire bumper for admin jobs. I kept insisting in my time there I want more responsibility and do the things I’m hired for but never got it. Today I had a meeting with the boss of my boss cause I kept insisting a lot lately. There she broke it to me that people have been complaining that I’m absent for an hour from time to time and people don’t know where I am (which I’m sure never happens, I don’t leave the workplace and arrive on time and do my 8 hours where a lot of people come in and go as they please) and other remarks like I don’t introduce myself when I get a phone call, don’t write names on envelopes if I send out mail and that kind of stuff which isn’t true. She said multiple people have been complaining and I don’t know who. Next Thursday my boss who hates me retires and we get a new young guy who has his first boss type of job so he has been sitting together a lot with my boss to get worked in (I’ve never seen him yet, their meetings were remote). I’m sure my boss has given bad remarks about me. How do I proceed from here on. The nice thing about this job is I have much more free days and much less workload than in private sector where things can get stressy. Do I quit? Do I talk to my new boss and ask if I can get a fair chance? Do I talk to hr? Do I keep my head low and continue the way I’m going?
Thanks in advance

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