
I just found out my job has not paid me overtime. And this is after multiple attempts to tell them I am burnt out. (See description for more info)

I worked at the corporate office for a particular chicken fast food joint as the assistant to the owner. I was bought in as a temp-to-hire, at $18.00/hr in Beverly Hills, CA. It is a “family company” which really translates to: “I get to see my family, you won’t have time to see yours”. It’s the owner (the father) and his two sons who are head of the company. All was well during that time, but I saw some signs that he was a narcissistic boss and an aloof boss. Very much the micro-manager type that valued facetime, rather than trusting somebody would get the job done. Long story short, around Sept 2021 a huge a lawsuit ensues between my boss’s marketing firm and the chicken company he worked for. Everyone on the team was pretty much fired. This started the process of him raising hell and trying to formulate…

I worked at the corporate office for a particular chicken fast food joint as the assistant to the owner. I was bought in as a temp-to-hire, at $18.00/hr in Beverly Hills, CA.

It is a “family company” which really translates to: “I get to see my family, you won’t have time to see yours”.

It’s the owner (the father) and his two sons who are head of the company.

All was well during that time, but I saw some signs that he was a narcissistic boss and an aloof boss. Very much the micro-manager type that valued facetime, rather than trusting somebody would get the job done.

Long story short, around Sept 2021 a huge a lawsuit ensues between my boss’s marketing firm and the chicken company he worked for. Everyone on the team was pretty much fired.

This started the process of him raising hell and trying to formulate a similar company and take all the customers of the region back.

This is when I come into play

Being that he now started a new company to rival his last one with little to no staff, he began to give me the task of all other departments (social media, payroll, recruiter, etc).

Upon taking on all of these roles, but still being just considered an “assistant”, by the help of this sub, I was able to negotiate an annual salary of $55,500.

Part of the agreement that I would head the food truck that he owned and wanted to upstart selling his new brand out of, while also keeping some of the same roles of the assistant.

I inherited this food truck as a great opportunity to learn how to build a business on a micro level. I have been in charge of every aspect.

TURNED OUT TO BE THE MOST TOXIC SITUATION. ZERO WORK LIFE BALANCE AND MICRO MANAGED DAILY. I have been expected to run this business for them completely.

This past weekend, the truck did amazing! About $5000 in sales. But somehow, these guys still found a way to say I am not meeting expectations.

I have been constantly working 55-60+ hours per week. Haven’t had time to do almost anything for myself.

This prompted me to look at my contract, and to my surprise— we agreed to my $55,500 based on 40 hours a week, 52 weeks, 2080 hours, non-exempt.

I have been on pace to go well beyond that given the current pace I have been working.


What should I do?

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