
Should I tip when I go to America

Welshman here, so I am going on holiday to florida in october, will be my first holiday since covid and its something im quite looking forward to. But from what I have read and can tell is every time you eat out or do pretty much anything you have to tip loads and its expected. I understand you have horrific minimum wages and by not tipping some poor soul may not eat themselves but should I really tip and be another cog in the wheel keeping such a bad culture of underpaying and exploiting workers going.

Welshman here, so I am going on holiday to florida in october, will be my first holiday since covid and its something im quite looking forward to. But from what I have read and can tell is every time you eat out or do pretty much anything you have to tip loads and its expected. I understand you have horrific minimum wages and by not tipping some poor soul may not eat themselves but should I really tip and be another cog in the wheel keeping such a bad culture of underpaying and exploiting workers going.

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