Yes i know that democrats technically have more favorable policies to workers. But at the end of the day we all need to understand neither truly cares about us.
On this sub i always see how we need to vote democrat to save work culture and workers rights. Yet we now have the democrats actively stopping a railroad union strike?
This sub and everyone at least in the US needs to stop defending Democrats. Both parties don’t give a crap so its time we stopped supporting either.
Nothing will change until we stop identifying as democrat or republican. We need to start actually looking at the issues and saying we wont stand for this.
This world is run by the rich corporations. Both parties are lobbied that way and anyone denying it is delusional.
Stop advertising support and false claims that they care. Start a new party or talk about the issue and not just that “well the democrats are the lesser of two evils”.
Im sure this post will be deleted by mods because it talks bad about democrats but busting republicans on this sub is totally okay.
This world is a joke.