
Advice on how much of a raise to ask for

I've been working tech support at a small company for just a few months and they just let go of the other support engineer for poor performance. The workload will be split between myself, a support tech who works part time support and part time production, and my manager. I expect when it all settles down, I will be taking on about 50% of the additional workload. This will keep me pretty busy when it is normal, and probably need to work over (I'm salary, so no extra pay) any time we are busy or one of the others is out of the office for some reason. I have had excellent performance and have been told that many times by my manager and the president of the company. The company has been very good to me and I don't intend to leave. I have actually passed up a job offer…

I've been working tech support at a small company for just a few months and they just let go of the other support engineer for poor performance. The workload will be split between myself, a support tech who works part time support and part time production, and my manager. I expect when it all settles down, I will be taking on about 50% of the additional workload. This will keep me pretty busy when it is normal, and probably need to work over (I'm salary, so no extra pay) any time we are busy or one of the others is out of the office for some reason.

I have had excellent performance and have been told that many times by my manager and the president of the company. The company has been very good to me and I don't intend to leave. I have actually passed up a job offer for about the same amount of money at a company I had been trying to get on at for a long time. The people I work with are really great and the company gave me a good amount of time off (paid) 2 months ago for some family problems.

My manager has hinted that this is a good time to ask for a raise, what percentage should I ask for? I don't want to look greedy, but I was hired in at the bottom of the pay range to start with and don't really know how soon I would really be able to justify a raise. I was thinking asking for 20%. Is that greedy? It would put me up near the top of the original pay scale that was listed in the job posting when I applied for the position.

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