
Advice dealing with toxicity.

I'm looking for advice. I actually like my job. However, the last few months have been very difficult because of one coworker. They are extremely passive aggressive and when their mood shifts, the entire department feels it and hears about it. It's a small department so we are boxed in together, totally normal setup for my job. For example, if we make a minor mistake, this coworker will rant out loud so everyone hears it. It's done purposely to make us feel bad. Many of the rants are done in a “jokey” way when my manager is around, but we get full force anger when they aren't. Some of the rants are about people personally (which I have tried to stop) and not work related. This coworker even asked to be allowed to write us up. Thankfully, my manager said no. My manger is great but non confrontational. I've spoken…

I'm looking for advice. I actually like my job. However, the last few months have been very difficult because of one coworker. They are extremely passive aggressive and when their mood shifts, the entire department feels it and hears about it.
It's a small department so we are boxed in together, totally normal setup for my job.
For example, if we make a minor mistake, this coworker will rant out loud so everyone hears it. It's done purposely to make us feel bad. Many of the rants are done in a “jokey” way when my manager is around, but we get full force anger when they aren't. Some of the rants are about people personally (which I have tried to stop) and not work related. This coworker even asked to be allowed to write us up. Thankfully, my manager said no. My manger is great but non confrontational. I've spoken to them about the behavior once before and things did get better for a bit, but it was shortlived.
This coworker has been with the company for 20 years. I feel that they think they can get away with anything and we all just have to deal with it. I've had a tough life, so I can brush things off better than most and I have been for the last 5 years, but now 3 people are leaving the department within the next month (1 quit, 2 transfers). Losing these people is a huge loss to the department! and every one of them stated the environment is to blame.
I've started looking for new jobs. But I don't actually want to leave the company. The pay is good and so are the benefits. What would you do? How do I approach my boss and get them to wake up!?

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