
Old bosses have a temper tantrum when they realize they can’t control me anymore.

I can’t remember if I posted this gem or not. A few months ago, my company wrote me up on my birthday. The fact that they didn’t know was one thing. The main thing tho was that all of my employees told me daily that I was single-handed lot keeping the place afloat. Too bad my boss and his boss were buds and went bar-hopping together. I decided to quit when the boss’ boss made a comment that I needed to find what I was passionate and then gave examples of what she was passionate about and it wasn’t until my boss mentioned my newborn son that the area manager said “oh yeah, I forgot about that! I should have said my kids!” That was it for me. They asked me if I wanted to still be there and, giving them the benefit of the doubt, I said I didn’t…

I can’t remember if I posted this gem or not. A few months ago, my company wrote me up on my birthday. The fact that they didn’t know was one thing. The main thing tho was that all of my employees told me daily that I was single-handed lot keeping the place afloat. Too bad my boss and his boss were buds and went bar-hopping together. I decided to quit when the boss’ boss made a comment that I needed to find what I was passionate and then gave examples of what she was passionate about and it wasn’t until my boss mentioned my newborn son that the area manager said “oh yeah, I forgot about that! I should have said my kids!” That was it for me. They asked me if I wanted to still be there and, giving them the benefit of the doubt, I said I didn’t actually know.

Anyways, I quit with notice and during that time, one of my employees—top performer that my boss treated like garbage—found a job at a subsidiary of the company I got hired at and gave notice the day after I left. I had nothing to do with it but, since we were both a little crusty about it, he asked if he could tell them I poached him and I said I didn’t give a shit.

When they “found out”, my boss said to boss’ boss that they should do something about it. Apparently they squirmed looking for days for something they could do to me and found nothing. They couldn’t even reclassify me as non-rehirablein their own company. I suppose if I ever tried to get rehired they would contact my previous manager to see how I was but no idea why in hell I’d try to go back to that hell-hole. Anyways, apparently they started screeching and frothing at the mouth when they realized they had no power, so they tried to call my new employer. After they were transferred around endlessly bc no one knew what to do with them, HR told them it was a huge ethics breach to even admit if we worked there.

This is why we have labor laws ppl. Use them to your advantage.

Tl;dr: old job tried to get back at me for “poaching” a top performer. Threw a tantrum when they realized they no longer held any power.

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