
“Optional” Meeting

My sister “A” resides in WI working a waitressing job. Her boss told her there was an important meeting to attend however she said it was optional. The meeting went on for over an hour talking about work related issues and “important” discussions. A and her friend left during the meeting because they were not getting paid and the meeting was going on past 10pm. Her boss texts her why she left and that it was rude. Her boss told A to put in her 2 week notice because A left the meeting early and the Owner told her boss to look for replacements. Mind you this is all through text. A calls her boss and her boss says if you talk to me more about things that bother you in the workplace I can make this all go away. Meaning she can tell the Owner to not find replacements…

My sister “A” resides in WI working a waitressing job. Her boss told her there was an important meeting to attend however she said it was optional. The meeting went on for over an hour talking about work related issues and “important” discussions. A and her friend left during the meeting because they were not getting paid and the meeting was going on past 10pm. Her boss texts her why she left and that it was rude. Her boss told A to put in her 2 week notice because A left the meeting early and the Owner told her boss to look for replacements. Mind you this is all through text. A calls her boss and her boss says if you talk to me more about things that bother you in the workplace I can make this all go away. Meaning she can tell the Owner to not find replacements and A can keep her job. I kid you not. I’ve had waitressing jobs and all of my managers SUCKED as well. Is this even legal??

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