
Employee working full time (me) is a part-time employee

I will keep a lot of this vague, I will say though that this is in Virgina and I have only lived here about a year so I am not sure of this states labor laws. Very quickly after I moved here I got a job as an overnight stocker at a popular grocery chain for well off people owned by a certain evil mega-corp (Some can probably guess what store from that but I won't confirm or deny). Since I was hired I have been working 5 days a week just like every full time employee they have. I have just aged out of my parents insurance so I try to get it through work. First off, my boss takes about a month and a half to get back to me about it. When he does, he tells me that I am part time so I don't get insurance,…

I will keep a lot of this vague, I will say though that this is in Virgina and I have only lived here about a year so I am not sure of this states labor laws. Very quickly after I moved here I got a job as an overnight stocker at a popular grocery chain for well off people owned by a certain evil mega-corp (Some can probably guess what store from that but I won't confirm or deny). Since I was hired I have been working 5 days a week just like every full time employee they have. I have just aged out of my parents insurance so I try to get it through work. First off, my boss takes about a month and a half to get back to me about it. When he does, he tells me that I am part time so I don't get insurance, but he is willing to switch me to full time because an opening is available. The guy who hired me left the store and was replaced by him so I can't 100% blame him but the fact he kept scheduling me like this while apparently not knowing my status isnt much better. I will gladly take advice from anyone who knows what they are talking about if this is some sort of violation of my worker rights, as well as answer any further questions.

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