
My job decided to change everything about our resturant including hours and gave staff no advance notice so I am pressured I to staying or else leave the resturant with no cook.

This is just a rant. But my resturant opened a new location that I was moved to with the promise of ovetime hours, originally the resturant had 5 back of the house cooks but the store is really slow due to managments decision to not advertise and now there is only 3 people. The kitchen manager, his best friend/roommate, and me. Apparently the resturant decided to change the entire menu and the store hours (so now the store will be opened max 25hr/week) and they didn't tell any of the staff about this until it was just over a week from happening(And by tell staff I mean I found the new menu and had to ask about it, most people including a the front of house had the learn about it via rumors.) the only people who knew were the managers. The kitchen manager told his roommate several weeks before…

This is just a rant. But my resturant opened a new location that I was moved to with the promise of ovetime hours, originally the resturant had 5 back of the house cooks but the store is really slow due to managments decision to not advertise and now there is only 3 people. The kitchen manager, his best friend/roommate, and me.
Apparently the resturant decided to change the entire menu and the store hours (so now the store will be opened max 25hr/week) and they didn't tell any of the staff about this until it was just over a week from happening(And by tell staff I mean I found the new menu and had to ask about it, most people including a the front of house had the learn about it via rumors.) the only people who knew were the managers.
The kitchen manager told his roommate several weeks before so she found a new job, put in a two weeks notice and this is her last week. Meaning that I am now the only cook at a job the guarantees I will have an insufficient amount of hours. I have no back up job because i had no advanced warning about the change and even If I put in my two weeks now I would still have to learn the entire new menu and go multiple weeks getting very few hours because we weren't warned.

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