
Remember the old family values from the 50s?

I would be willing to bet that they didn't scrap those because of gender equality, but because there's no way in hell that 1 job can provide for a family. I speak from experience because, growing up my parents worked 3 jobs between them, but we never had a house, or other luxuries, we ended up living paycheck to paycheck. There was no intention to eradicate gender roles, just to normalise working multiple jobs to afford basic necessities. A lone working man cannot support a stay at home wife and their children, and vice versa.

I would be willing to bet that they didn't scrap those because of gender equality, but because there's no way in hell that 1 job can provide for a family. I speak from experience because, growing up my parents worked 3 jobs between them, but we never had a house, or other luxuries, we ended up living paycheck to paycheck. There was no intention to eradicate gender roles, just to normalise working multiple jobs to afford basic necessities. A lone working man cannot support a stay at home wife and their children, and vice versa.

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