
Do your bosses treat you like you’re more expendable than the equipment you work with?

To everyone working in factories, workshops, labs, healthcare, etc, do your bosses and managers treat the machines and instruments you work with like they're pure gold? I honestly sometimes feel like pieces of hardware which are worth less than our yearly pay are worth more to my boss than me and my colleagues. I got berated for asking for a raise, one of my colleagues got fired because “he wasn't pulling his weight”, and yet the company spends tens of thousands of dollars on scrap, second-hand equipment which we don't use. ​ Thoughts? I guess I just wanted to vent…

To everyone working in factories, workshops, labs, healthcare, etc, do your bosses and managers treat the machines and instruments you work with like they're pure gold? I honestly sometimes feel like pieces of hardware which are worth less than our yearly pay are worth more to my boss than me and my colleagues. I got berated for asking for a raise, one of my colleagues got fired because “he wasn't pulling his weight”, and yet the company spends tens of thousands of dollars on scrap, second-hand equipment which we don't use.

Thoughts? I guess I just wanted to vent…

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