
Holly Jolly Job Search

Been experiencing some JOYOUS things on this recent job search. First one. I interviewed, they said I had the job, and I had a starting date! Manager calls me a day before my shift, saying they're pushing back training to next week. Says the schedule will be out in a couple days. That's fine, happens with some bartending gigs all the time. A few days go by, no schedule. I call, no answer. I call again, no answer. I finally text, and she tells me that they arent sure if they can hire me because of payroll and budget cuts. Thanks for wasting three weeks of my time promising me a job. The most recent one. I set up my direct deposit last week to be paid TODAY. It doesn't save my account information, so my pay for this week is on a paper check. I ask today where I…

Been experiencing some JOYOUS things on this recent job search. First one. I interviewed, they said I had the job, and I had a starting date! Manager calls me a day before my shift, saying they're pushing back training to next week. Says the schedule will be out in a couple days. That's fine, happens with some bartending gigs all the time. A few days go by, no schedule. I call, no answer. I call again, no answer. I finally text, and she tells me that they arent sure if they can hire me because of payroll and budget cuts. Thanks for wasting three weeks of my time promising me a job.

The most recent one. I set up my direct deposit last week to be paid TODAY. It doesn't save my account information, so my pay for this week is on a paper check. I ask today where I can pick up that paper check, and she tells me IT WON'T BE READY UNTIL TUESDAY. Payday is TODAY. And in the job listing, it says 500-800 a week. My paycheck isn't even a fourth of that.

A lot of jobs these days are using all of these unreliable websites and apps. Paper checks aren't available on payday anymore. Taxes are being raised every year to disproportionately go towards violence and war that most of us don't support. It's not that people don't want to work, or are being too picky, or whatever people say now to shift the blame from the company to the employee. It's that the employee is being jerked around for weeks on end; empty promises, low pay, no benefits, no pay on the day that was agreed on. More money to the top, less money for the ones actually making the money for the top.

We're all being fucked at every single angle. What happens when the majority of us hit our breaking point? Or maybe we're all just too broken to do anything about it anymore.

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