
Text from my boss

I (38m) am the only chef at a winery preparing and serving a 6 course refined French menu each weekend for up to 35 guests each service. It’s a lot of work, but I generally enjoy it. 2 days ago I was in a car accident where I rolled the vehicle and completely broke 3 fingers on my left hand and had a concussion. The text image I received during my procedure yesterday having my broken fingers manipulated and straightened onto a splint and cast (for the next 6 months), just after I had pieces of gravel removed from my head. I spoke to my boss later that day (text is from his wife, also boss) and he was shocked that I said I can’t work this weekend and prepare a menu in time one handed and on oxycodone. He told me that we will lose $10k this weekend and…

I (38m) am the only chef at a winery preparing and serving a 6 course refined French menu each weekend for up to 35 guests each service. It’s a lot of work, but I generally enjoy it.

2 days ago I was in a car accident where I rolled the vehicle and completely broke 3 fingers on my left hand and had a concussion. The text image I received during my procedure yesterday having my broken fingers manipulated and straightened onto a splint and cast (for the next 6 months), just after I had pieces of gravel removed from my head.

I spoke to my boss later that day (text is from his wife, also boss) and he was shocked that I said I can’t work this weekend and prepare a menu in time one handed and on oxycodone. He told me that we will lose $10k this weekend and that he doesn’t know how he can pay wages because of this.

I’m quite upset, I don’t think he needed to say that to make me feel worse than I already am and guilty.

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