
What my boss said to me today

So I was filling up Propane for a customer and the charges on the machine claim that a single gallon is $3.99, but for some stupid reason it says two on there. So a customer needed 25 gallons and had only $100 but $3.99 is basically $4.00 so that was confusing enough. So once the customer went inside to pay, my boss said to him that the cost was over $100 because of taxes, so my boss instead decided to scold me for missing that, even though the tax rate on the machine was blank, indicating there was no clear amount for the taxes. So he kept asking me questions like “So you do know that $4.00 × 25 gallons is $100 right?” I said yes and he said to me for some reason “Are you sure?” Well, obviously I fucking know that it is but he is just trying…

So I was filling up Propane for a customer and the charges on the machine claim that a single gallon is $3.99, but for some stupid reason it says two on there. So a customer needed 25 gallons and had only $100 but $3.99 is basically $4.00 so that was confusing enough. So once the customer went inside to pay, my boss said to him that the cost was over $100 because of taxes, so my boss instead decided to scold me for missing that, even though the tax rate on the machine was blank, indicating there was no clear amount for the taxes.

So he kept asking me questions like “So you do know that $4.00 × 25 gallons is $100 right?” I said yes and he said to me for some reason “Are you sure?” Well, obviously I fucking know that it is but he is just trying to make me look bad. He then asks me “But you graduated from high school right and got an education?” Implying that since Albegra and Geometry is a thing, I must have passed those, even though this dipshit has no records of my grades whatsoever. He then proceeds to ask me “So aren't you taking college classes also?” Which makes no fucking sense given that he doesn't have any clue what classes I take (I am taking Theater 101 and Literature 114 by the way).

I get that I made a simple mistake as he was wanting me to properly use less gallons and check next time, but how was I suppose to know besides the small service fee that there was taxes since there was no indication of them on there? There would always be a sign clearly saying that it includes taxes, yet it was blank on there with no indication at all. But his condescending tone and his questioning of my intelligence over a small mistake pisses me off. It's not like they lost the sale anyways. It was just a few bucks short in taxes from what they would have. But, I couldn't honestly care less as the management is shitty and my pay is low minimum wage as fuck every single week.

P.S, His disrespectful attitude towards me shows that this is the type of person that schools indoctrinate people into obeying and never defying against, even if they try and make you look bad on purpose for such a small issue that doesn't even matter at all.

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