
There is no such way to save for the rest of your life. It’s literally impossible and stupid.

7.7 billion on the planet. 300 million in the US. Lets just talk the US, and say half. 150 million people all need like ” a few million to retire”, then 150 million, times a few million, say 4 million, is 600 Trillion dollars lol. Thus 600 trillion dollars sitting in the bank. Bro. Brospehs. Brah… We don't have that amount of money circulating lol. Also, it wouldn't circulate. I'd just sit there. There'd have to be other money circulating. There'd be mad inflation, thus your 600 trilly would be worth shit. And, the bank would take this money, and invest it in stuff that makes them money, they only make money IF the their relative bank account is more powerful than yours. Money has relative value, not absolute. lol. Ok, if the entire 300 million in the US “saved”, there'd be 1.5 quadrillion dollars in the bank, lol. Back…

7.7 billion on the planet. 300 million in the US. Lets just talk the US, and say half. 150 million people all need like ” a few million to retire”, then 150 million, times a few million, say 4 million, is 600 Trillion dollars lol.

Thus 600 trillion dollars sitting in the bank. Bro. Brospehs. Brah… We don't have that amount of money circulating lol. Also, it wouldn't circulate. I'd just sit there. There'd have to be other money circulating. There'd be mad inflation, thus your 600 trilly would be worth shit. And, the bank would take this money, and invest it in stuff that makes them money, they only make money IF the their relative bank account is more powerful than yours. Money has relative value, not absolute. lol.

Ok, if the entire 300 million in the US “saved”, there'd be 1.5 quadrillion dollars in the bank, lol.

Back the the day, people would save for the winter. Work hard, to survive for the selves. Grow enough potatoes, for 6 months. But now, we're told to save these fake units of currency for the rest of or lives that can be devauled due to policy and fuckery??

SAVE FOR EVER? Why not just save for a rainy day. The system was meant to keep people running on a forever treadmill, never stopping alway working. Ending work is not a bad thing. It's glorious. And there is a solution. It's working. And we are winning. This is just the beginning.

For those that don't know: the finacial revolution will NOT be televised.

(look at my sub interaction histroy, but I won't post anything here)

EDIT: Seriously, if you don't know whats about to happen, and it's impact, hopefully, at least protect yourself, hurry up, and figure it out. And hopefully, you do know, and your CREDIT UNION account will grow when the banks default. Also, this is about work. Because you work for money, that's about to be worth dog shit.

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