I was on my mandated 30 min unpaid break (for the days I get all 30 minutes of it) and determined nature calls. Naturally as it would be established I left the break room it makes perfect sense to clock back in. And then clock into some mobile games :).
I usually fail to take the mandated 30 min as I instead take 3-6 five to ten minute breaks since those would be paid cause the law says breaks 15 min or shorter are paid (meant to cover getting coffee or using the can). Nah man, real break is for reading manga and looking actually relaxed, paid breaks are for the can or trying to consume a bag of Doritos before shit hits the fan in the work area.
That's like an extra hour of wages a day for nothing. I work in a lab where they pack our shifts DENSE. I'm in training right now though where some fool takes four hours to show a PowerPoint on something I already know how to do. I spent yesterday's playing video games as I muted myself and have no webcam ;).
For legal reasons this is all an elaborate mental fantasy brought about by my mental illness and I'm a model employee who's mental illness doesn't affect his real work.