
I got physically harassed for the second time in front of my manager.

I am a late 20 year old male. Who just got harassed for the second time. This just happened today so my brain is a bit frazzeled. To put it bluntly it wasn't molesting or anything extreme but it was unwanted. And older male kept touching my shoulder and back several times to either get my attention or when he wanted a fist bump. Each time I would try to ease away or laugh it off. At first I thought he was just socially awkward but he just kept doing it. Then after the morning meeting a week ago, I was half awake and was walking out the door to my truck only for him to touch my back near my neck which made me jump and yell at him out of surprise. Everyone started to laugh but me. Which embarrassed the fuck out of me. Turns out the manager…

I am a late 20 year old male. Who just got harassed for the second time. This just happened today so my brain is a bit frazzeled.

To put it bluntly it wasn't molesting or anything extreme but it was unwanted. And older male kept touching my shoulder and back several times to either get my attention or when he wanted a fist bump. Each time I would try to ease away or laugh it off.

At first I thought he was just socially awkward but he just kept doing it.

Then after the morning meeting a week ago, I was half awake and was walking out the door to my truck only for him to touch my back near my neck which made me jump and yell at him out of surprise. Everyone started to laugh but me. Which embarrassed the fuck out of me. Turns out the manager talked to him about it. Though that didn't do shit apparently.

The second time it happened after the morning meeting was today. We were just relaxing after the morning meeting. I was sitting down. Everyone was present, my manager making stupid jokes. And this dude come up to me, trying to take my sanitizing spray. Which I tell him to put it right the fuck down. He ignores me, but the more pissed I get, gets others to laugh, and to him to finally get through his thick skull to put it down. Then tries to get another goddamn fist bump. I tell him to forget it, and before I can even react, he stretches down to grab/ touch my knee on its side.

I don't' know why I snapped, I just felt this horrible feeling of creep and dread from this dude and honestly kinda scared. I am an adult male, should it be normal? I swear him off hard, and the manager just fucking stands there and lightly tells him that I don't like being touch with a mild disappointing frown.

He was told to take the same truck as me with a third person (its a stakebody for thoughs who know what that is.) The third person (who is a really cool guy) Tells me to just confront him and tell him not to touch me at all. After a bit of coaxing I do it. The dude just stares at me with unblinking eyes, then just nods his head then says ok with this really calm voice.

Then not an hour later, just comes up behind me to touch the lower back part of my neck. I and I just froze. Then I calmly tell him to get in the truck.

Fucking hell, and after all this when the day is over I go into my manager's office and just tell him next time he better be in another truck. He mentions he will have a meeting with him.

I am gonna go to hr, or report him but I've never done this before and have no fucking clue how to go about it.

Sorry for the long post just cant seem to stop venting.

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