
Teacher getting fucked out of my pay, what are my options?

I foolishly put my resignation as the last date of school in December (before break) instead of the end of the month. HR is super sorry but only paying me for part of the month up to my resignation date, even though no other teacher will be working over break. We're going to have a meeting to see if they “can” alter my resignation date, but I'm pretty sure their hands are going to be super tied. I fucked up and let my guard down. Now it looks like my pay will be almost 1k short. Assuming they go through with fucking me, what recourse do l have? If I don't sign the final paperwork, do l not get paid at all? Can l force them to fire me? Specifically, what happens if l don't sign my closing/resignation documents? It's in NC, so l don't have a union.

I foolishly put my resignation as the last date of school in December (before break) instead of the end of the month. HR is super sorry but only paying me for part of the month up to my resignation date, even though no other teacher will be working over break. We're going to have a meeting to see if they “can” alter my resignation date, but I'm pretty sure their hands are going to be super tied.

I fucked up and let my guard down. Now it looks like my pay will be almost 1k short.

Assuming they go through with fucking me, what recourse do l have? If I don't sign the final paperwork, do l not get paid at all? Can l force them to fire me?

Specifically, what happens if l don't sign my closing/resignation documents?

It's in NC, so l don't have a union.

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