
Bosses Might’ve Taken My Paycheck

I will say I can’t prove this currently, but i worked a job for about a week. It was not what was advertised, managed to lose my application and interview somehow (I never saw the person who interviewed me again), and expected me to do way too much way too soon when I had little to no qualifications – basically, I signed up to be a substitute teacher for middle schoolers, I ended up left alone with 8 two year olds who didn’t know me when I was trained the previous four days for older kids for an entire afternoon while trying to also clean the room and teach them flash cards. I did my best to be polite and explain things well when I quit. I cashed my check two weeks later, which mind you had an hourly pay of $3.25 less than agreed upon (and I never got…

I will say I can’t prove this currently, but i worked a job for about a week. It was not what was advertised, managed to lose my application and interview somehow (I never saw the person who interviewed me again), and expected me to do way too much way too soon when I had little to no qualifications – basically, I signed up to be a substitute teacher for middle schoolers, I ended up left alone with 8 two year olds who didn’t know me when I was trained the previous four days for older kids for an entire afternoon while trying to also clean the room and teach them flash cards. I did my best to be polite and explain things well when I quit.

I cashed my check two weeks later, which mind you had an hourly pay of $3.25 less than agreed upon (and I never got paid back the $52.25 for something they were supposed to pay for to begin with) and tonight after a thankfully innocuous purchase was rejected, I noticed my bank account in the negatives. I went back and saw a “Check” had been taken out – I don’t use checks, I use my debit card. The amount didn’t match any purchase I had made, then I realized it was exactly the same as what my paycheck had been.

This is wrong.

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